gnome-terminal and ^] telnet escape character

James Wilkinson james at
Wed Feb 2 23:31:40 UTC 2005

Christopher Calzonetti wrote:
> In fact, it seems that when the CTRL key is held, that the ] key is 
> behaving as the = key.  ie. CTRL-SHIFT-] acts as CTRL-+ and increases 
> the font size, while CTRL-] acts as CTRL-= and returns the terminal font 
> to the default size.
> Totally bizarre.

Um. Sounds like an oddity of the keyboard layout you're using. (What
does the maths department at the University of Waterloo use, anyway?)

Can you open vi, and press "i" for insert mode. Then press Ctrl-V Ctrl-]
and Ctrl-V Ctrl-Shift-], which should give a representation of what the
keyboard is actually sending.

(Press Escape followed by :q! to get out of vi).


James Wilkinson       | "Luck is my middle name," said Rincewind,
Exeter    Devon    UK | indistinctly. "Mind you, my first name is Bad."
E-mail address: james |     -- Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times  | 

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