100% Linux - Results

Pete Choppin pchoppin at comcast.net
Thu Feb 3 18:06:23 UTC 2005

First of all, I would like to thank all who replied.  I got 35 replies to this question, which is incredible.
I apologize that I have taken so long to respond, but I got distracted with mundane real-life.  Also, the responses kept coming.  By the time I had read one response and considered a reply, 5 others had appeared.
In order to provide anything meaningful in this I decided to categorize the responses.
(There were multiple responses in some cases)
11 believe it is possible to go 100% Linux depending on various circumstances or needs
6 replied that it is simply possible
5 replied that Windoz should only be kept for gamez
6 said they only use Windoz in the workplace because they had no other choice
12 people declared that they are completely 100% Linux - most of those said they would never go back to M$
The remaining 5 responses said that aside from one or two applications, they were also 100%
Conclusion - 
About as many people who are 100% Linux users say that it is possible depending on certain circumstances.  It also appears that some of the replies were using Windoz as their gauge as to what their computer needs are and if it is feasible to live without certain Windoz applications.  Some went so far as to advise that an assessment of how a computer is used should be based on applications or tasks performed in a Windoz environment and then compare this to the available Linux applications.  From there one could decide whether it was practically feasible to operate in a completely Linux environment.
Based on the advice and suggestions that I received, I believe I have an ideal environment for Linux and that a 100% switchover would not only be possible, but would be a positive change.
Thank you for all the well thought out responses.
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