Possible - Recommended 20 GB partition recommendation

Matthew Miller mattdm at mattdm.org
Sat Feb 5 04:25:23 UTC 2005

On Thu, Feb 03, 2005 at 02:19:42PM -0700, Gerald Thompson wrote:
> Actually I forgot about the /boot partition, needs to be within the 1024 
> cylinder barrier.  That was why I had to use partition magic.

This restriction doesn't apply to most computers made in the five or six
years. Can't hurt, of course.

> - /usr - 10 GB - usr is where all your software goes, don't bother making a 
> separate /usr/local, you don't have enough space to mess around, keept all 
> /usr stuff on the same partition 
> - /home - at this point you should have 5.450 GB available for home, if you 
> plan to install a lot of software you can probably take some from /home and 
> give it to /usr, please remember though /home is where you store all your 
> files, so don't make it too small.

Conversely, if you aren't going to install full GNOME+KDE+everythingavailable,
you could give yourself a lot more space for your own files by making /usr 4
or 5GB and /home bigger.

Matthew Miller            mattdm at mattdm.org        <http://www.mattdm.org/>
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