Activating wireless card at boot

Scot L. Harris webid at
Sat Feb 5 05:22:45 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 22:30, jim lawrence wrote:

> > 
> Try using Networkmanager 
> Go to this url and see if this helps  
> If for some reason NM doesn't start,  open up the terminal and type in
> NetworkManangerInfo
> If you use a encrypted network   and NM finds your AP it will prompt
> you for the key

Thank you for that link.  I had been having difficulty getting the
wireless interface working on a tecra m2.  After learning from your
write up how to use NetworkManager, wireless is now working.

However I have a few questions.

1. I did not startup named, I currently do not have that installed on my
laptop.  I remember reading the issues with having to have a caching
nameserver.  However that does not appear to be an issue here.

2. You might want to include Applications -> System Tools ->
Configuration Editor in the part on editing the wep keys.  The way it is
written it looks like /system is a top level directory when this is
actually stored under /home/username/.gconf.  :)

3. I don't understand why the wireless interface does not start during
boot.  It only starts once NetworkManagerInfo starts once I log into the
system.  This causes a couple of errors to occur during boot up, first
on is failure to start eth1 and the second one is failure to sync ntpd
since there is no network connectivity.

4. Is there a way to select which AP to connect to using NetworkManager?

Thanks again for pointing the right direction with this.  :)

Scot L. Harris
webid at

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
-- George Carlin 

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