Slightly OT: Greylisting success or failure stories?

Anthony E. Greene tony at
Sat Feb 5 06:47:59 UTC 2005

On 04-Feb-2005/15:57 -0600, "Rodolfo J. Paiz" <rpaiz at> wrote:
>I understand, truly I do, that it would feel idiotic to call each other
>"USA-tians" or something just as silly, and that referring to their
>country as "America" is the single most comfortable and convenient
>contraction for "The United States of America". It is simply natural.
>But I find it both amusing and sad that (to give only one example) I once
>met a numbskull who nearly ended up in a fight by insisting to a bunch of
>Canadians and Mexicans that none of them were Americans.

I generally say I'm an American or that I'm from "the U.S.".

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:Anthony%20E.%20Greene%20%3Ctony at>
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