shared VFAT partition permissions for users

Scott Talbot talbotscott at
Sat Feb 5 07:39:14 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-02-04 at 22:07 +0000, spamse wrote:
> I have scoured the various posts on setting up a shared partition
> several times, and manual documentation, and have succeeded in getting
> the Windows partition accessible from Linux. I have achieved this by
> the following entry in /etc/fstab:
> # the windows shared partition
> /dev/hde5               /home/win               vfat
> async,user,exec,mode=777,unmask=000
> However, the user logins are not automatically granted write
> permissions. I am not entirely sure if I should be attempting to
> retain Windows permissions, or simply override them in Linux. My
> presumption here is that the mode variable should be giving full
> permissions to all users.
> Sam
	mode is unnecessary as vfat file system doesn't care about linux
permissions.  I assume you meant umask instead of unmask?  Finally, move
the mount point (/win) out of your home directory (which you are the
only one with permissions) to /media or /mnt.



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