David Hoffman dhoffman2004 at
Sun Feb 6 16:18:18 UTC 2005

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 00:32:47 +1100, Alan McDonald <alan at> wrote:
> Can someone tell me in which rpm on the Fedora disks, is the rpm which
> contains the library?
> I'm trying to install the server manually and I can;t believe that its not
> there on the CDs somewhere..
> Alan

Your subject line says but your text says

Which one do you want?

In either case, if you already have it on your system, and if it was
installed with RPM (or Yum) then you can run the following command to
tell you which package installed it:

rpm -q --whatprovides /path/to/

On my machine, using the original FC3 packages, it would have been
provided by the mysql-3.23.58 package (I think it was version 3.23.58,
but I'm not sure because I use a newer version.)

On my machine I am using MySQL 4.1.9, so in order to get the "10"
version for compatibility with other packages, I installed
MySQL-shared-compat-4.1.9-0 which I downloaded from the web
site along with the other RPM packages for MySQL-client and

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