nscd, caching-nameserver and ssh

Gérard Milmeister gemi at bluewin.ch
Sun Feb 6 19:27:29 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-02-05 at 19:42 +0100, Felipe Alfaro Solana wrote:

> AFAIK, nscd is not limited to caching host-IP entries, but can only 
> cache username-UID, groupname-GID entries. This kind of caching can 
> reduce network traffic when you are using directory services like NIS, 
> NIS+ or OpenLDAP to store user and group information.

Yes, I know that. But let us focus on just host name lookup.
In any case the first ssh login takes about 26 seconds. If nscd is
running, then subsequent logins are almost immediate. If nscd is not
running, then each subsequent login takes the same long time. Why
is this very long delay and what is the role of caching-nameserver
in comparison to nscd?
Gérard Milmeister
Langackerstrasse 49
CH-8057 Zürich

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