Blocking vsftpd

Paul Howarth paul at
Mon Feb 7 17:24:04 UTC 2005

Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
>    How can I block vsftpd connection so that it only accepts localhost 
> and local domain connections?  In other words, I don't want the internet 
> in general to be able to connect to it.

Add a line:


to /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf

That should restrict it to connections from localhost.

Change to your LAN IP address if you want it to accept 
connections from your LAN only. You could connect to your own computer 
this way but you'd have to use the LAN address rather than "localhost" 
when connecting.

If you want to allow connections from localhost *and* your LAN then it 
gets a bit more complicated, e.g. using iptables to restrict incoming 
connections, or running 2 vsftpd instances, one listening on the 
localhost address and one on your LAN IP address.


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