IP in /etc/resolv.conf that isn't a DNS server

Kevin Old kevinold at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 03:29:18 UTC 2005

Hello everyone,

My /etc/resolv.conf file has ; generated by /sbin/dhclient-script at
the top and the 1st IP listed as a nameserver isn't a name server. 
I'm sure I need to ask my server house about this, but was wondering
if anyone had ideas why DNS look ups wouldn't fall to the 2nd or 3rd
IP's in the list, as my DNS lookups  are timing out.

I understand I can probably use a exit hook to edit the resolv.conf
and this is currently in there, I just don't know how to modify it to
get rid of the first IP:

[root at s15111287 dhcp]# more /etc/dhclient-exit-hooks
#! /bin/sh

if [ "x$reason" != xEXPIRE ] && [ "x$reason" != xFAIL ] && \
   [ "x$reason" != xRELEASE ] && [ "x$reason" != xSTOP ] && \
   [ -n "$new_static_routes" ] && [ -n "$new_routers" ] ; then

  for dest in `echo $new_static_routes|sort|uniq`; do
    route add -host $dest dev $interface
  for router in $new_routers; do
    route del default gw $router || /bin/true
    route add default gw $router

Any ideas?
Kevin Old
kevinold at gmail.com

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