Custom Kernel Creation Documentation Online

Satish Balay balay at
Tue Feb 8 19:13:07 UTC 2005

> > >     

1. instead of 'chown' and stuff - just recommend using:

echo "%_topdir ${HOME}/rpm" >> ~/.rpmmacros
mkdir -p $HOME/rpm/SOURCES $HOME/rpm/SPECS $HOME/rpm/BUILD $HOME/rpm/SRPMS $HOME/rpm/RPMS/i386

This is much simpler - and sets up the env to use other srpms cleanly.

2. %debug_package %{nil}

This prevents the debug package from being generated - but at the same
time - the debug symbols don't get stripped from the primary
package. My recommendation is not to use this flag.

3. For my kernel build needs - I've just managed to edit the spec
files and - and make minor patch additions/changes and use:

rpmbuild -ba --target=i696 kernel-2.6.spec

This gives both kernel.rpm & kernel.src.rpm

And to startoff - there are multiple kernels.srpms you can use

- fedora kernel
- ac kernel

[ some patches might not apply cleanly to fedora kernel]


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