Installing Fedora Core 3 from the hard disk

Mr. MMH mohamedhagag at
Thu Feb 10 08:33:13 UTC 2005

I was Have problems Installing Fedora from hard i want to do that Because I don't have any CD-ROM & I borrowed one from a frind But Many Distros can't read from it .

all U want to start installing the fedora core 3 distro from Your hard disk :

   1. FAT formated Floppy .

   2. Fedora Core 3 " FC3 " ISO Images .

   3. Prepartitioned HDD with the next Specs .
      |--- 8 - 10 GB drive for root file system .
      |--- 512 - 1024 MB drive for sawp space .

   4. hd_grub.img boot disk img // get it from here .

   5. rawritewin.exe // get it from here .

   6. use "rawritewin.exe" to make the boot disk from "hd_grub.img" .

   7. put the "FC3" ISO Images in folder like this d:\fc3 or e:\fc3 don't put them on the drive you just made to install on it.

   8. get the kernel "vmlinuz" & the ramdisk "initrd.img" from the first iso image normaly they are in "isolinux/vmlinuz" and "isolinux/initrd.img" and put them on folder like fc3/img .

   9. Edit menu.lst on the boot floppy that You have made to be like this :

      timeout 100 # time befor auto boot
      default 0 # defualt selection
      fallback 1 # i don't know

      title Fedora Install # main selection
      root (hd0,4) # change "4" to the partition holding ISO images normaly
      c:\ = 0 , D:\ = 4 , E:\ = 5 and so on " in some cases you have to try numbers from 0 to 9 "
      kernel /fc3/img/vmlinuz ramdisk_size=128000 root=/dev/ram3 acpi=ht vga=788 # the path to vmlinuz "the kernel Binary" don't use drive letters .
      initrd /fc3/img/initrd.img # the path to the initrd.img

  10. Reboot and boot from the Disk and when the installer ask you about the installation Method choose "Hard Drive" and choose the drive that holds the ISO images & enter the name of the folder in the blue text box.

for any informations Contact Me By Email or Messanger :
mohamed_hagag1981 at yahoo
mohamed_hagag1981 at hotmail
mohamed_hagag "at" yalla "dot" com
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