Memory Leak

DafyddHugh no-reply-gw at
Thu Feb 10 19:41:19 UTC 2005


free = 

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        507584     325348     182236          0      28296     139788
-/+ buffers/cache:     157264     350320
Swap:      1043272          0    1043272

The output of slabtop taken at the same time is a printscr (I am not running any gui on the fedora machine) at this location [url=]Slabtop Jpeg[/url]

Kernel = 2.6.10-1.760_FC3

I have seen all the posts that state that the memory usage is normal, and I can understand growth on demand - the release of cache pages will depend on the wash methods (fifo etc). I don't understand the constant decrement of 64k off physical and 4k or 8k added to cache that happens every 4 mins (or so) without the corresponding growth in the program sizes. If the 64k was being added to cache, then I would expect it to match. Or is this the method that fedora uses to build up the physical memory.

Why does the disk spin and the machine lock up when it hits swap? If the memory is cache, then surely it won't start swapping until the cache memory is utilised.

Any help or direction as to where to look is appreciated.


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