What's a good video card?

Rick Stevens rstevens at vitalstream.com
Mon Feb 14 22:29:11 UTC 2005

Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
> Bruno Wolff III wrote:
>> For a lot of people, video cards will have improved enough in that time
>> frame, that they will just buy a new card.
> You mean for people that play games (mostly under Windows) and need to 
> buy latest and greatest every one or two years?  For the rest of us, I 
> don't see any reason why we would fork $100 every couple of years for 
> new video cards, when the old ones work just fine (and more than fast 
> enough, thanks for asking).

Then stop upgrading the kernel.  M$ doesn't update their kernel as often
as Linux does so ancient Windows drivers on old hardware stick around
longer.  I've even heard people buy new hardware, then whine because
the maker doesn't provide a driver for Winblows 3.11!  IMHO, Windows
drivers have an artificially long lifespan due to M$ not fixing things
that are known to be broken.  Linux is more fluid because the kernel
gang never stops tweaking things in an effort to make things better,
faster, more reliable, etc., etc.

If you don't like the lifespan, then freeze your kernel at some level
where you know support exists for your hardware and get on with your
life.  I've had to freeze kernels because of some software issues with
new kernels and because the apps couldn't be updated.  Yes, those
machines lag farther and farther behind, but they're stable and they
work.  Do I want to update them?  You betcha!  Can I?  No.  Some smart
fella once said:

"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the
courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the

It's apropos for this situation.  In my case, I can't change it, I know
I can't change it, and I'm smart enough to not worry about it.  Now, as
to my "smarts" equating to wisdom...the jury's still out on that one...
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at vitalstream.com -
- VitalStream, Inc.                       http://www.vitalstream.com -
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-      The moving cursor writes, and having written, blinks on.      -

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