Linux sucks

Rick Stevens rstevens at
Mon Feb 14 22:35:44 UTC 2005

Don Dupy wrote:
> I too am grateful for all the help I have gotten.
> I use Linux on 3 out of my 4 machines, and I am not turning back.
> I have sucessfully managed to set up a server that has done nothing but 
> sit there and after day. Granted, it doesn't work very 
> hard, but it could....... I have a fedora laptop that works like a top.
> I have a linux based firewall that does it's job day after day as well. 
> (It also runs a VPN connection to the office I work at.)

How about:

[root at smtp-01-001 root]# uptime
  14:01:48  up 295 days,  1:51,  2 users,  load average: 0.08, 0.15, 0.16

That's on a mail server (FC1) that handles about 4M messages a day.
It'd have a longer uptime but one of the RAM sticks blew up and I had
to take it down to replace it.

> When it comes to production machines, I have complete faith in the Linux 
> community that they are there to help and support the product.
> They have supported me and I will support anyone that I can help.

Hear, hear!  Our entire Unix-sh backend stuff is all Linux (RH7.x,
FC1/2/3).  We chucked the HP/UX and Solaris machines over two years ago.
- Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer     rstevens at -
- VitalStream, Inc.              -
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-         Microsoft Windows:  Proof that P.T. Barnum was right       -

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