Mounting USB & XP

Edward edward at
Tue Feb 15 03:23:35 UTC 2005

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I'm jumping into this discusion because my USB thumb drive does NOT
> appear on the desktop when I plug it in when I use KDE. And I can't
> find it anywhere in the file system, either. In gnome, on the other
> hand, it appears a few seconds after I plug it in.
> Anybody think that this is strange? Any solutions? I googled a little
> for 'usb kde' and 'mount usb' but couldn't get anything useful out of
> that otherwise deep information well.

Mine doesn't show up on the KDE desktop either, but I can browse devices 
using the file browser and see /dev/sda1 from there. Double clicking on 
it brings it up. Not as nice, but doable. Can you even do this?

> More information: I have a /media/Bo folder. In this folder there are
> four files which just happen to be the first four files that I ever
> moved into the usb device, in gnome I think. Those files have long
> since been deleted from the device, and the device reinsrted many
> times, but they are still there.

That happens when you copy files to a device that is not mounted. They 
simply end up under the mount point. What some people do is create a 
file under the mount point called "if you see this the device is not 
mounted" or similar.

If the storage device mounts properly, that text is not visible. When 
the device is not mounted, you see that text file. Could be handy?


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