Viewer - Solid Edge

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at
Fri Feb 18 18:34:13 UTC 2005

Carroll Grigsby wrote:
> On Thursday 17 February 2005 01:34 pm, Robin Laing wrote:
>>Matt Morgan wrote:
>>>On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 09:52:50 -0700, Robin Laing wrote:
>>>>In the past week I have received two different files that are Solid
>>>>Edge files.  I have done a search but I cannot find a Linux version yet.
>>>>I have gone to the manufactures site and looked at their viewer.
>>>>I sent them a message asking for a Linux version of their software.
> I ran a search on the Solid Edge website for "Linux" and came up empty.
>>>>Anyone know of a package that may be able to view the files?  In all
>>>>cases the files came from a second source and they don't have any
>>>>control of the file format.
> Your situation sounds a lot like my last few years in the working world. It 
> seemed like neither any of our customers nor any of our vendors used a 
> CAD/CAM system that had file formats that were compatible with either AutoCAD 
> or ProE. The usual solution was that I would call their CAD guy and we'd try 
> to find some intermediate file format that we could both use. Sometimes it 
> worked flawlessly, sometimes some minor touch up was necessary, and sometimes 
> we had to make another try.
> Am I correct that these files are in Solid Edge's native format?
> Are they solid models, 2D drawings or ???
> Do you just want to view the files, or will it be necessary to edit them?
> Matt mentioned Autodesk, but Autodesk drank Gates' KoolAid sometime in the 
> late 90s when they moved to Windows and dropped all Unix support.
> FWIW, late last night I posted about your dilemma to cad-linux at; 
> I'll forward any responses to you. So far, though, nada. The same guy who 
> runs the mail list maintains a website that provides information and links to 
> a number of linux cad/cam applications:
> -- cmg

For me it is just view.  As far as I understand, these files are 
supposed to be promoted as a Acrobat for drafting files.  They are 
supposed to take an Autocad 3d model and make it viewable.  What tools 
or etc about it I have never bothered.  I just email the file back and 
say it is useless.  As I stated earlier, I am not dealing with the 
person that created the file.

I did all the normal searches and such before posting.  No joy either. :(

I have viewers that will view DXF and DWG files, including sheets and 
this is all I need.  I don't really do any drafting.  Of course the 
excuse that Windows is all they need to support isn't cutting it 
around work here.  Many have moved off of Windows Platforms when 
possible and if Windows is needed, they put in for a second computer, 
just for windows.  None of this Dual-boot stuff.

I did email Solid Edge's support staff about lack of a Linux viewer.

I did a search on I believe Autocads site for a viewer and it came up 
with some hits.  I went to the hits and was given a message to search 
the Internet for tools.  Needless to say, their "did this answer your 
question?" box, was selected with a big poor and the comment basically 
was filled with why did you waste my time by having this answer.

I thank you for your help.
Thanks for the link.  I have tried some of these programs.

Robin Laing

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