Linux and Spywares - lack of reading

James McKenzie jjmckenzie51 at
Sun Feb 20 07:20:08 UTC 2005

Jeff Vian wrote:
> social engineering can defeat the best security system.
Ask Kevin M. about this.  He is now working in systems security.  You 
could build in the best security system in the world, no matter what OS 
and releasing the administrator login and password, and with Linux this 
only takes compromising the password, and you are shot.  The same 
applies if you supply insufficient physical security.  If I can steal 
your system (not that I would want to) and gain console access, and you 
have not disabled it, I can, given sufficient time, crack into it and 
away I go.  This is why some systems only exist behind several feet of 
reinforced concrete and have almost impossible to guess passwords.  All 
of this applies to Linux and the application of SELinux under FC3 just 
gives some system security as recommended by the United States National 
Security Agency.
James McKenzie
With assistance, Now running 2.6.11rc3, Software Suspend 2
and ibm-acpi .1
Need a home for my .rpm

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