Boot question after FTP Install.

Jim Cornette fc-cornette at
Tue Feb 22 01:43:24 UTC 2005

Steven Bell wrote:
> I come up to GRUB, and the boot parameters are set to:
> root (hd0,0)
> kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.9-1.667 ro root=/dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 rhgb quiet
> initrd /initrd-2.6.9-1.667.img
> When I press enter to boot from there, I get a couple of line, and the 
> machine halts.
> The lines are:
> Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
> [Linux-bzImage, setup0x1400, size=0x155da5]
> and
> [Linux0nitrd @ 0x4001000, 0xebec9 bytes]
> Any suggestions on how to configure this to actaul boot up?

You might try removing the rhgb quiet entries from the grub stanza. If 
memory for FC3 is accurate, there were bugs with rhgb and the ability to 
boot with the process active. Later updates were supposed to correct the 
If that does not allow you to get into runlevel 5, then removing the 
above lines rhgb quiet and adding a 3 after a space, then trying to boot 
the system up might do the trick.
Once you get to a text login prompt, you can login as root, then create 
a regular user with adduser, then create a password for the new user 
with passwd.
Switch to another virtual terminal with ALT-F2 and login as the newly 
created user. After loging in as the newly created user, run startx from 
the command prompt. If X fails, you might need to run 
system-config-display --reconfig to get the program to attempt to get a 
usable configuration for X to start.
Since you did an ftp install, you might get all of the upgrades and 
theoretically, your system should work right.

Also, running lspci from a terminal and passing on the information 
related to what type of graphics card that you are using might help 
others with similar hardware know how to get FC3 past the lockup you are 

Someone probably has an easier solution with more information regarding 
the problem that you are getting.


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