Vulgar posts by novell email address? was: OT: Incredible Rudenessin Evolution Bugzilla

Maxim Eremeev maxim_eremeev at
Tue Feb 22 18:45:12 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1
Marco Fioretti wrote:

| First of all, one explanation for NotZed: you are the subject of
| these two threads in the Fedora Core list:
| Second, my excuses to NotZed for not having put him (her?) in CC in
| my original message, the one CC to Novell Community relations. I
| *did* want to do it, since it was due to inform him of my
| complaint. Unfortunately, I am forced to use webmail today, and hit
| the button too early.
| Now, answering to T. Cameron comments:
|> OK, wait just a minute there, Marco.
|> This developer is a F/OSS guru and has contributed tons to the
|> Linux
| <community. Your escalating this to the brass at Novell can easily
| cause a
|> pretty minor issue to get blown way out of proportion. So for all
|> of his
| <hard work you might very well cause him serious trouble. Is that
| how you
|> reward a guy who has done so much for Linux and Open Source?
| As others have already pointed out, being a guru is NO excuse for
| not being civil. Period. If this makes somebody at Novell to yell
| at NotZed and pretend he or she grows up or else, good.
| FLOSS *has* grown up and is now out in the world of normal people.
| We all better accept it. Now, using your words, is such behavior
| really "doing so much for Linux and Open Source"?  Specifically, is
| it doing good?
| The fact is, again using your words (nothing personal, of course),
| that it is guys like these who go out of their way to makes OUR
| life Hell. "Our" here refers to me and everybody else advocating
| FLOSS because it's good for civil rights, equal opportunities, good
| education and so on.
| The *fact* is, I can talk how much I want about how FLOSS is good,
| about how great this community thing is etc... but I am NOT
| comfortable sending newbies to be treated like this. This happens
| continuously, and frankly I'm sick of it.
| I already stopped recommending to parents and managers several good
|  FLOSS application exactly because the "Support" web page leads to
| bunches of hysterical, ill-mannered children.
| Last summer I had to NOT tell anybody about a local Linux festival
| exactly because the speakers were the same kind of guys: people who
|  think that is really cool to treat everybody around like manure
| because "I am doing so much for Linux and Open Source"
| Enough. It just takes one of them vanifies mine and many other
| responsible adults efforts to evangelize FLOSS.
| Ciao, Marco Fioretti
Will you go to complain to somebody every time you see RTFM expression?
And by the way when exactly did "FLOSS" belong to the world of
abnormal people?

Good luck in "evangelizing" FLOSS, (but make sure you do have all
necessary amounts of holy water with you).
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