Newbie FC2--->FC3 install kernel panic

Jonathan Berry berryja at
Fri Feb 25 05:18:36 UTC 2005

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 22:29:54 -0800 (PST), Charles Malespin
<cmalespin at> wrote:
> So I booted from the rescue CD and got some info using
> the commands you told me to....
> fdisk -l produces(I have left out the sizes)
> /dev/sda3       83 Linux
> /dev/sda4       f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
> /dev/sda5       83 Linux
> /dev/sda6       87 Linux Swap
> df produces....
>                   Mounted On
> rootfs              /
> /dev/root.old       /
> /tmp/loop0         /mnt/runtime
> /dev/sda5          /mnt/sysimage
> /dev/sda3          /mnt/sysimage/boot
> /dev/root.old      /mnt/sysimage/dev
> and mount produces....
> /dev/root.old  on / type ext (rw)
> /proc on /proc  type proc  (rw, nodiratime)
> /dev/pts   on /dev/pts  type devpts (rw)
> /sys   on /sys   type  sysfs (rw)
> none  on  /tmp  type ramfs (rw)
> none on   /tmp/ramfs  type ramfs (rw)
> /proc/bus/usb  on /proc/bus/usb  type usbfs(rw)
> /tmp/loop0  on /mnt/runtime  type cramfs (ro)
> /selinux  on /selinux  type selinuxfr (rw)
> /dev/sda5  on /mnt/sysimage type ext3  (rw)
> /dev/sda3  on /mnt/sysimage/boot  type ext3 (rw)
> none  on /mnt/sysimage/proc  type proc(rw, nodiratime)
> none  on /mnt/sysimage/sys  type sysfs (rw)
> /dev/root.old  on mnt/sysimage/dev  type ext2 (rw)
> I hope this helps, I really didnt know which one I was
> looking for...  I think(?) I understand the rest once
> I can just figure out what I need and what will be
> used in the rest of the commands...  Thanks alot!
> Charles

Hey Charles,

Nice work, this should get us going.  Okay, it looks like /dev/sda5 is
your root partition (mounted on /mnt/sysimage).  You must be using
either SCSI or SATA drives, and that is why they are sdx# instead of
hdx# like I said.  And /dev/sda3 is boot (mounted on
/mnt/sysimage/boot).  I guess 1 and 2 are either not there or Windows
partitions, but that's not important.

You will want to look at the files /etc/fstab and /etc/grub.conf (and
/mnt/sysimage should be prepended to those paths if you do not do the
"chroot" thing I mention below).  Take special note of anything that
says LABEL=....  Then, use the "e2label" program to see what your
partitions are actually labeled by doing:
e2label /dev/sda3
e2label /dev/sda5
See if these match the entries in fstab and grub.conf.  If not, pick
which will be easiest to change.  That is, if fstab and grub.conf
agree, change the labels to match those with:
e2label /dev/sda3 /boot
e2label /dev/sda5 /
for instance.  They maybe something like "/boot1" and "/1" right now as a guess.

If you want, once you boot from the rescue CD, you can run the command
"chroot /mnt/sysimage" and that should get you to a point like you
just booted your machine to run-level 3.  And then either "init 5" or
perhaps you need to do "init 3" first, then
"init 5" (I'm not familiar with the rescue CD) should get you to a
graphical login (assuming that it works, of course).  You can login
there as a user and then open a terminal and "su -" <root password> to
have root.  This just makes it easier to post to email if you need to.

If you think you've got it, then go for it.  You shouldn't be able to
mess anything up *too* badly.  You can always boot to the rescue CD to
change whatever you do (assuming you don't decide to delete the files
:) ).  If you want some more help, so things are clear, post the
relevant portions of /etc/fstab and /etc/grub.conf


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