Network Manager

D. D. Brierton darren at
Sat Feb 26 05:53:32 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-02-25 at 22:16 -0700, David Donnelly wrote:
> However, having the ability to view multiple choices means that I can
> see all my neighbour's as well. I am just wondering if there is a way to
> specify a "preferred" network. My SSID is not encrypted but does not
> broadcast either. I can connect if I specify the SSID. I also would like
> to know if I can automate the connection process on boot that it trys to
> connect to my SSID. The Network Manager Daemon starts but I need to run
> "NetworkManagerInfo" from the console to start a scan. I would like this
> process to start automatically if possible. When I do run the command,
> it connects to my neighbour even though I was last connected to my own
> access point.

I am fairly sure that this issue needs to be reported to the
NetworkManager list:

I'm tracking that list, and development of NetworkManger, even though at
the moment I can't use it due to driver issues. As I understand the
current state of play, NetworkManager *ought* to do exactly what you
want it to---i.e. connect to the last one you chose given the current
choices. However, many of the current problems (including mine) are
nothing to do with NetworkManager but are problems with the various
wireless drivers. The NetworkManager-list seems to be very active, and
you should report your problem there. Even if you have to subscribe to
it just for this problem, you can unsubscribe to it after a couple of
weeks if your only interest is in reporting this problem. Once the
drivers are beaten into better shape NetworkManager is going to be one
of the coolest applications ever.

Best, Darren

D. D. Brierton            darren at
       Trying is the first step towards failure (Homer Simpson)

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