List Rules

Michael Scottaline nbhs2 at
Mon Feb 28 01:06:01 UTC 2005

On Sun, 27 Feb 2005 17:31:25 -0700
Hodgins Family <ehodgins at> insightfully noted:

<snipping the rant a bit>
HF>Owners, so far, haven't entered the list with rules, punishments or
HF>authorities. Oooh, Mister Cameron, where are they? It is just you and
HF>the rest of us, with you telling us what words "really" mean.
HF>Pretentious creature!
I'm not certain who's more pretentious, "Mr. Cameron" or Hodgins Family.
HF>If someone who has no more or less standing (we're all volunteers here
HF>except Warren Togami and Colin Charles) than me tries to tell me what
HF>our words mean, I'm going to tell them to go pound sand.
HF>And I have found the sand! Mr. Cameron, box your ears, and know that
HF>you have found the sand.
HF>Good day, Mr. Cameron.

Not sure what any of this has to do with fedora, but thank goodness for

"The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life"
--Muhammad Ali

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