Missing cdrom

James Wilkinson james at westexe.demon.co.uk
Mon Feb 28 13:24:08 UTC 2005

Eugene Poole was having touble with automounting CDs:

I asked:
> If that works, can you check for a /dev/hdd line or a /dev/cdrom line in
> /etc/fstab. If none exist, something like this should work:
> /dev/hdd    /mnt/cdrom     auto    noauto,users             0 0

and he said:
> I looked that and it looks very similar, with additional parameters.

Precisely what are you getting? If there's "managed" in there anywhere,
that means that the entry is created and managed by kudzu et al. You
might want to take "managed" out, and replace it with "users". That
would give you responsibility for maintaining that line, but if kudzu
isn't doing its job, you might find that better.

"users" should allow mere mortals to mount and umount the drive.


James Wilkinson       | 'Short for "Sic Transit Gloria Humanorum", which is
Exeter    Devon    UK | Latin for "There goes the neighbourhood!"'
E-mail address: james |     -- Menno Willemse
@westexe.demon.co.uk  | 

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