Info blindspot (Was: FC3 - i'm disapointed)

Brian Fahrlander brian at
Sat Jan 15 03:05:22 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 20:21 -0600, Jeff Vian wrote:

> 8( I Guess I need to read the release notes better and dig deeper in the
> list of new software installed/available.
> [jeff at goliath ~]$ rpm -qa | grep Network
> NetworkManager-gnome-0.3.3-1.cvs20050112.1.fc3
> NetworkManager-0.3.3-1.cvs20050112.1.fc3
> It certainly is installed, but has never been used by me, and in fact is
> configured as off in the services. I use static IPs on my home network,
> and had never encountered a need for something like that.
> I guess from the description it is intended to replace dhcpclient and
> the older pump with newer and possibly more features.
> Thanks to both you and Alexander for pointing this out to me.

    I understand the sentiment; I'm in the same situation and knew
nothing about this package at all.  I just thought it was a replacement
to system-config-network or something.  There are a lot of projects that
develop in their own space, have their own reasons and such, but when
they get to the update, one has to go track it down.

    I'm not suggesting a whole new project; just some slight changes to
the process- the data's surely there, not just not obvious.

    Could we get a ticker with such announcements?  Have the browser
point out an RSS feed? There are tens-of-thousands of projects on
sourceforge/freshmeat, when one joins the distro, it'd be nice to know.
Maybe a 'channel' similar to up2date without having all the frilly
install problems.  (specific to apt/yum configurations just now).

    I've quit using up2date for various reasons, though it does provide
this information...perhaps this is just an up2date-fix issue...

Brian Fahrländer                 Christian, Conservative, and Technomad
Evansville, IN                       
ICQ: 5119262                                          AIM: WheelDweller
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