No permission to run glxgears under nvidia

Alexander Volovics awol at
Sun Jan 16 23:00:38 UTC 2005

On Sun, Jan 16, 2005 at 11:28:17AM -0800, Dale wrote:

> > Does the simple one line '50-local.permissions' file work for you.
> > Can you run glxgears and tux?
> File '50-local.permissions' (as I described above) works for me by
> adding the single line:
> --------------------------------
> nvidia*:root:root:0666
> --------------------------------
> I can successfully run glxgears and tuxracer.
> The permissions file would only be read when when the /dev/nvidia*
> inodes were being created (e.g., upon a reboot).  I believe it would
> be done during execution of udev.static from the initrd.
> Have you rebooted?

I must shamefacedely confess that I have been 'sleeping' for
at least 3 days. The first 2 times I tangled with this I commented out/
removed the entry. Saturday I gave up in disgust and just shutdown
leaving the line standing. Tonight I booted and thought I would
try and see if the 'holiday' had somehow magically made things work.

Lo and behold glxgears started running. I had every time only restarted
X thinking that would be sufficient :(
It didn't even enter my head that I might have to reboot to get it working.

Thanks very much for your help.


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