Need a complete config walkthrough for Samba/Winbind on RH or Fedora - samba 3

Kevin F. Berrien kblists at
Mon Jan 17 01:14:32 UTC 2005

1. Just because the howto is titled "how to" it doesn't really tell you HOW TO.
ie, do step 1, step 2, step 3, check this then do step 4 either this way or that,
etc....  Despite their name, howto documents hardly ever live up to their names.  That is
really a technical manual.

2. The HOWTO does not address specificies to FC3/RH.  For instance, when I used the Suse 9
walkthrough, I had no Kerbos issues, I had tons with FC3.

3. I'm trying to impliment linux boxes w/samba in a work environment.  I don't have the
time to engineer the wheel.  We're under staffed like the rest of the world.  I don't spend
all my time at work using linux (very little actually), so I'm not up on the newest features
of Samba.  If open source wants to succeed it needs to have real life documentation.  Just
listing all the features, and obscure(and unrelated) examples won't cut it.

The box I installed the other day ended up being a Windows box, as I didn't have time to
dig through the samba tech docs, tinker, and then test.  The windows box was up in under 2
hours and running.  Not much in the way of progress in terms of having choices.

> Given the common desire to replace windows boxes with Linux/Samba I'm 
> amazed that RH only has partial documentation on setting up 
> Samba/Winbind/Pam on RH!
> I've confired in the past on Suse 9 with a great tutorial, but I'm 
> finding issues with the config in RH.

What can't be done the same way like you know from the "great tutorial"?

A general good documentation:


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