Why is LANG set to en_US.UTF-8?

Aleksandar Milivojevic amilivojevic at pbl.ca
Wed Jan 19 15:51:19 UTC 2005

B Wooster wrote:
> I tried Putty - it does display man pages correctly, but I could not
> fix the line drawing characters, so mutt, slrn, did not display
> lines/arrows correctly.
> Anyway, I'll follow the suggestion elsewhere in this thread - if my
> TERM is VTsomething, will force LANG to be just en_US.
> I still prefer to use TerraTerm (unlike Putty, it does not support
> UTF-8), since it has ZModem support, great for quickly transfering
> files.

Usually I have it set to just "C" (default POSIX locale).  I hate when 
ls intermix dot files with "normal" files in ls -a output, and don't 
like lower/upercase being ignored when sorting either.  Setting LANG to 
C solves both problems :-)

Everything works, it works as expected on Unix-like system (including 
the way files are sorted in ls output), nothing is broken (actually, it 
fixes ls output, as I mentioned before).

Wonder whose bright idea was to ignore leading dot when sorting....

Aleksandar Milivojevic <amilivojevic at pbl.ca>    Pollard Banknote Limited
Systems Administrator                           1499 Buffalo Place
Tel: (204) 474-2323 ext 276                     Winnipeg, MB  R3T 1L7

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