Disk Druid - Fedora flame #1

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Tue Jan 25 00:42:26 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 17:50 -0600, Jeff Vian wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 18:28 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:

> Although I support you on the request for fdisk to be back in the
> installer as an option, the rest of your problems has me stumped.
This topic continues on ad infinitum despite the fact that this is not
the fedora-development list and there is no way that EVEN IF we all
agreed on what should be done, it wouldn't be received by those who make
the decisions.

There are two places for this to be pursued to have any meaningful
change to change things...bugzilla.fedora.com and fedora-
devel at redhat.com

I have to believe that Gene's struggles with the 'over-simplified' disk-
druid and otherwise installers probably stem from his insistence to
micro-manage the process in order to get it to do what he thinks he
needs and that conflicts with the intended use - kind of like trimming
hedges with a lawnmower. The process is obviously a delicate one since
he has to almost anticipate how the developers intended the software to
be used and try to figure out how to end up with what he wants...it
takes a bit of creative thinking sometimes.


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