Disk Druid - Fedora flame #1

Craig White craigwhite at azapple.com
Tue Jan 25 03:49:37 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-01-24 at 22:35 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> And in no case should it ever put 
> the /boot on an extended partition 87 GB into a 120 GB disk.

> For those of us whove been playing with computers since the later 
> 1970's, it is a mountain because we tend to get set in our ways by 
> finding out what works, one we don't need to climb when a few lines 
> of code would give us a nice fast highway around it.
"GRUB supports Logical Block Addressing (LBA) mode. LBA places the
addressing conversion used to find files on the drive in the drive's
firmware, and it is used on many IDE and all SCSI hard disks. Before
LBA, hard drives could encounter a 1024-cylinder limit, where the BIOS
could not find a file after that point, such as a boot loader or kernel
files. LBA support allows GRUB to boot operating systems from partitions
beyond the 1024-cylinder limit, so long as the system BIOS supports LBA
mode (most do)."

This was from the Reference Guide for 7.3 - methinks you are 'set in
your ways' a bit.


If it's gonna run FC-2 or FC-3 and use a hard drive of any considerable
size, it's got to support LBA.


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