SV: SV: Port forwarding

Andy ag1234 at
Tue Jan 25 13:02:17 UTC 2005

Andre Speelmans wrote:
 > AFAIK the SSL-certificate is not bound to an IP-address, so this
 > should not give you any problem.


 > This last one should read:
 > iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -p tcp --sport 80 -s \
 >         -j SNAT --to-source <your external IP address on this machine>

NO! that doesn't make sense. In http/https connections, the source port
is an arbitrary high port, and the _destination_ port is 80/443.

In order to forward the https trafic either change "80" to "443" end up 
with 4 lines, 2 PREROUTING and 2 POSTROUTING or use the multiport 
extension: "-m multiport --dports 80,443" in both lines of the original 


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