Is YUM superior to Synaptic ?? (was synaptic evolution)

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at
Tue Jan 25 14:55:44 UTC 2005

Rahul Sundaram said:
> Hi
>> What the hell does anaconda have to do with setting your yum.conf (or
>> sources or apt.conf or whatever smartpm uses) to point the the correct
>> repos?
> i was talking about the difference between doing a upgrade via cd and
> yum/apt

Umm, OK.  No one else was.

>> Shit happens, I'm just wondering how smartpm handles it.
> allegedly better than yum/apt thou that remains untested/unproven

I guess I'll have to set up a sacrificial machine and try it.  Pointing to
the incorrect repo seems to come up from time to time here and it would be
good to know what would happen.

William Hooper

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