Why I think FC3 sucks!

Edward Yang neo_in_matrix at fastmail.fm
Fri Jan 28 01:21:44 UTC 2005

The post by the WORST PERSON is a very excellent example to proove what 
I say - "Linux community has a dark side".

Thomas Cameron wrote:

>On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 17:59:25 +0800, Edward Yang
><neo_in_matrix at fastmail.fm> wrote:
>> After getting so many reply from my last post, I finally understand why the
>>post aroused so much agitation.
>Um, because you're being an asshole, maybe?
>> 1. It seems for some people, 'FC3 sucks' is the same as '*Linux* sucks'.
>>But I am very sorry, I did not mean that. I just meant FC3 sucks or FC3
>>sucks because it is worse than FC1 based on my personal experience.
>No, you ignoramus - if I showed up in your neighborhood and started
>yelling publicly that you and your neighbors and all the work they do
>sucks, would you react kindly?  I thknk not.
>> 2. Some young guys (mostly students) or even not-so-young guys (what the
>>hell who are they?) like the feel of calling somebody *troll*, and so they
>>seize every possible chance to show off their *skills* at name calling.
>>That's a dark side I already know about Linux communitiy. But, please note I
>>am not saying the *whole* Linux community is bad, I mean a small part of it.
>You are such an idiot.  A quick Google search finds just as many
>instances of the word "troll" in Windows newsgroups as Linux ones.
>> Okay, let me elaborate why I think FC3 sucks or FC3 is worse than FC1. Note
>>that I did not have experience with FC2.
>Seriously, just stop.  No one on the list is taking you seriously. 
>You're an idiot, and an asshole.  Go away.
>> 1. Installation. Well, what can I say? It is not worse, but it not any
>>bettern than FC1. Components selection is still very difficult.
>Yeah, I guess it is if you are ignorant of the way the OS works and
>too lazy to learn.  If I didn't take the time to learn about how
>Windows worked, I would expect it to be counterintuitive, too.
>> 2. FC3 could not start into X in Virtual PC. It spews out tons of error
>>messages complaining something that actually should not have caused its
>>failure. So I have to download a temporary patch from
>>http://vpc.visualwin.com/. See page
>So what you are saying is that you didn't investigate how to run FC3
>in VirtualPC.  How is that the fault of the distribution?  Sounds like
>a failure on your part to perform due dilligence.
>> 3. After several times of kernel updating (at least 3), I finally can boot
>>into X from the so called official kernel provided by FC3.
>So you have a weird environment and you didn't research it.  Your
>stupidity, not the distribution's.
>> 4. It is hopelessly slower than FC1! I could run FC1 with only 128mb memory
>>and don't feel much sluggishness. I now run FC3 with 164mb memory, but it is
>>visibly slower than FC1! Application startup time is almost unbearable.
>Hey, dumbass, the 90's called, they want their computers back.  As we
>can afford more powerful computers for less money, code will gain more
>features and therefore require more resources.  That's not a bad
>thing, you moron.  It's up to YOU to decide what features you want and
>remove or deactivate the rest.
>> 5. I am a newbie on Linux, but I already find a few bugs. For example, in
>>gnome-termial, if I set DEL to ASCII DEL in the profile settings, it actualy
>>acts like BACKSPACE. This bug may be specific only to gnome, but since it's
>>bundled with FC3, so I attribute the problem to FC3. It's quite reasonable.
>No, it's quite stupid.  That bug has been documented and discussed ad
>nauseum.  Your being too stupid or lazy to find out about it doesn't
>mean that the distro is bad.  And if you don't understand that FC is a
>bleeding edge distro and is EXPECTED to uncover bugs and problems,
>then you need to go read the very first paragraph at
>http://fedora.redhat.com.  YOU need to do some work instead of coming
>in here and blaming your ignorance and stupidity on the distro.
>> 6. I have not acurate data to prove this, but I feel the system boot up
>>time is longer than FC1.
>If you don't have accurate data, then you're talking out of your ass. 
>Shut up.  Oh, and see my response to #4 again.
>> 7. This is a minor problem - I only installed kernel+gnome, no KDE. Yet it
>>takes up more than 2gb space. What the hell? A normal Windows 2000
>>installation usually takes only 1.5gb even with all components selected. I
>>forgot how much was FC1, but FC3 apparently is not doing better or even
>You stupid, stupid shit.  You're comparing apples to oranges.  If
>Windows 2000 is so much better, hey, don't let the door hit you in the
>ass on the way out, OK?
>> 8. I may think of others that attribute to this 'FC3 sucks' topic.
>I can think of pages and pages of stuff to add to an "Edward Yang Sucks" thread.
>> Final words - I am not negating Linux. 
>Yes, you are.  You're spewing half-truths and statements of ignorance
>intended to be insulting and derogatory.
>>Actually I think Linux and Open
>>Source has a very good future. That's why I am catching the new waves here.
>You wanna play in this arena, then learn how to play nice.
>> Thanks.
>Any time.

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