yum -y update installs new software!?

Vinicius cviniciusm at terra.com.br
Fri Jan 28 02:33:26 UTC 2005

Bernd Radinger escreveu:
> On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 13:08:14 -0200, Vinicius <cviniciusm at terra.com.br> wrote:
>>Paul Howarth escreveu:
>>>RAT wrote:
>>>>I had fresh installation of FC3 with my own selection of packages
>>>>installed. I've runned yum -y update and what a suprise! I get packages
>>>>which I don't want to have - why it installs tetex, ethereal, gaim,
>>>>gphoto2. I don't want these!
>>>Seems unlikely, but perhaps these were dependencies for an updated
>>>version of something you *did* install?
>>>If you do "yum remove tetex" for instance, does it want to remove
>>>anything you actually want along with tetex?
>>I did get this too:
>>- openct and opencs from The KDE-RedHat Project and
>>- Hermes and liboil from Dag Apt Repository.
>>I don't like to get packages installed automatically.
>>I know I can uninstall them manually after, but I prefer to install
>>manually with the exception of updates.
> eh, then why do you activate repositories which do replace your
> installed packages with altered functionality?

To try and to learn.

Excuse me if I was a little rude.

These repos are enjoyable.

Did they were installed to satisfy some dependencies? How I get this 
information, please?

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