Installing fedora at school

Robin Laing Robin.Laing at
Fri Jan 28 16:21:36 UTC 2005

Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> Hi
>>One of the things that I would like to point out is that FC is a BETA or testing product.
> no. its not. while its is used as a basis for RHEL, the previous
> redhat linux releases were too. so nothing has changed in that aspect
>   I would not install it to a production or training environment. I
> would use a more stable distribution in such an environment, such as
> ------
> this is more due to the fast release cycle of fedora and not because
> its a beta product

We use Fedora in production environment with no major headaches.  We 
run versions ranging from FC1 to FC3 and still have less problems than 
that major OS that costs hundreds of dollars (which we have site 
licenses for).

The only issue is someone will have to learn how to maintain the 
system and if they are windows oriented, it will take time.

Go for it and enjoy.
Robin Laing

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