FC3, Apache, and Front Page

Temlakos temlakos at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 20:15:54 UTC 2005

Eucke Warren wrote:

> At the risk of participating in a "My HTML Editor can beat up yours" 
> thread...that's not true.  There are a TON of HTML editors out there 
> that are VERY simple to use and make your site useable quickly and 
> easily.  Frontpage is IMO the equivalent of using a Nuke to clear space 
> in the forest to build a house.  It's messy, it does far more than is 
> needed and it has great potential for created unintended consequences.  
> Just out of curiosity, have you googled or asked around for 
> alternatives?  Personally, I am a Macromedia Fan but that's just me.  
> I've used a ton over the years....some better than others.  Are you 
> looking for Non-W3C compliant coding?

Well, maybe you can suggest a solution to /my/ problem. I opened an 
account with "IPowerWeb," which has some rudimentary web-site-building 
editors that function in a back-office fashion. However, they do allow 
the creation and editing of Web pages on my own hardware, and the 
publication of those pages to their server space. They have "Front Page" 
extensions, too--but I don't want to bother with MS Front Page if I 
don't have to.

Should I just stick with the back-office editing tools that IPowerWeb 
provides? And if I find that those don't do enough for me, what sort of 
editor do you recommend?


PS: IPowerWeb uses FreeBSD as their server OS. It's not exactly Linux, 
but if I understand correctly, it's close.

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