New Age Music can kill FC4

Matt Morgan minxmertzmomo at
Thu Jul 7 16:21:38 UTC 2005


> Hi All:
> What is happening with the multimidea on Fedora. This
> person have had problem. I cannot even listen CDs by
> using the CD drive. I allways need to ripe CDs first
> in order to listen to my musics.
> No one in this group was able to help me on that.
> Should I go back to Windows to get my CD drive able to
> play my CDs? Well, at least I can do that on Windows

I didn't see this the last time you posted. Usually this problem
happens when you don't have an audio cable running from the CD player
to the sound card. Windows can work around that, but to my knowledge,
Linux requires the cable. Do you have such a cable?

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