Upgrade FC4 from x86 to x86-64?

James Wilkinson fedora at westexe.demon.co.uk
Thu Jul 14 22:09:30 UTC 2005

Steve Bergman wrote:
> I am upgrading my FC4 Athlon XP system to an Athlon 64.  Do I need to do 
> a reinstall?  Or can I upgrade?


If you're happy to stay in 32 bit mode, and if you're taking your old
hard drive across, you should find that Fedora Just Works, more or less.

That was my experience when I upgraded my old dual Celeron setup to an
Athlon 64.

Personally, I reinstalled from scratch, because I wanted to see what it
was like running Fedora on x86-64. (With a few exceptions, noted in
places like fedorafaq.org, it is *very* good).

Hint: take a backup of your /etc directory that you can get at easily.

Hope this helps,


E-mail address: james | "This was, apparently, beyond her ken. So far beyond
@westexe.demon.co.uk  | her ken that she was well into barbie territory."
                      |     -- J. D. Baldwin

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