Floppy written in CentOS won't mount in FC3

Mike McCarty mike.mccarty at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jul 15 15:10:45 UTC 2005

Andy Green wrote:


> I mentioned it because of the "floppies are not vfat" advice which is
> wrong.  But actually I have to stand partially corrected on ext3... I
> just tried it on a 1.44M file and mke2fs -j complains
> Filesystem too small for a journal
> However it will create a journal on a 2.88MB filesystem, so you can
> indeed have ext3 on a 2.88MB floppy.
> Possibly the journalling can come in handy on such a removable device.

I was a little bit surprised to see that 2.88MB floppies have support.
When I first installed Red Hat Linux 7 on an old machine, support
for the video chips on the MB had been "neglected" since it was
considered that they were so old no one still used them. So I had
to go through a gruesome long drawn out process of figuring out
what the setup was for them. I forget how many registers I had
to describe in some long-forgotten now text file. I've only ever
seen one 2.88MB floppy drive in my life. OOPS. I've seen two,
but one was an over/under setup like a dual-bore shotgun/rifle.
Were they ever used anywhere to any extent?


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