Catharsis - slowly my FC4 world crumbles around me

William Hooper whooperhsd3 at
Thu Jul 21 04:02:24 UTC 2005

Dave Gutteridge wrote:
> This is the part that threw me. I don't get this system of numbering for
> FC releases. People talk about this like it's normal or something, and
> maybe it is and it's the way software companies like Adobe and MS that are
> doing it wrong, but I would have thought that version 4 would replace and
> be better than version 3, which would be better than version 2...

Fedora does time based releases.  All the version number means is that a
release is approximately six months newer than the last release.

Any time you are rapidly adding new technologies into a distro there will
be some growing pains.  Some releases have big changes, some have little
changes, it just depends on how the upstream releases fall into the

William Hooper

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