Xine controlling master volume on Dell X1 running FC4

Lovell Mcilwain lovell.mcilwain at
Thu Jul 21 04:02:22 UTC 2005

Hello all,

I installed xine a while back using Yum and used it for the first time today.  Now everytime I close 
Xine my sound mutes.  If I run xine again the sound comes back.  The example I have is if I am 
running music box and xine at the same time, I can hear whats being played on music box.  If I close 
Xine and leave musicbox running the sound cuts out.  If I check alsamixer it shows that the master 
volume is not muted and it also shows that the external speaker is not muted which was the original 
problem I had when I couldn't hear sound when I tried to play anything.

Can anyone tell me if they have run into this problem and if they have solved it?  If they did what 
did they do to solve it?



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