one for the mysql server gurus

Gregory Machin gregory.machin at
Mon Jul 25 13:42:49 UTC 2005


Please advise ..

Im using stock standard FC3 install no updates or customisation to the
my.cnf outher than the adding of trasaction logging..

My data is stored in mediumtext field , with 532 php and html web pages,
for example.

mysql> UPDATE temp.temp SET file_content =
Query OK, 472 rows affected (0.79 sec)
Rows matched: 532  Changed: 472  Warnings: 0

What causes the discrepancy between  472 rows affected and Rows matched: 532
 and i'm getting this with all of my UPDATE quieries in some cases 0 rows
affected and Rows matched: 532, but i know that the string im replacing
is correct ..

Gregory Machin
greg at
gregory.machin at
Web Hosting Solutions
Scalable Linux Solutions (support and admin)
www.goeducation (support and admin)
+27 72 524 8096

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