FTP Timeout Issues

Stuart Ryan nerdzoll at nerdzunleashed.com
Thu Jul 28 04:44:27 UTC 2005

Hi Everyone,
I have a Redhat Fedora Core 2 server that is having FTP timeout 
issues.The server is running the latest CPANEL/WHM and I am having this 
issue with both PureFTP and ProFTP.
Basically what happens is I begin to upload (only uploading, not 
downloading) a file and about 1-2MB in the server gives this error
DATE - TIME server pure-ftpd: (useracct at X.X.X.X) [INFO] Timeout (no new 
data for 900 seconds)

And the FTP program that I am using gives a server connection error.
Now I have APF (www.rfxnetworks.com) installed on the system and when I 
turn it off, FTP works without issues. When I turn it back on I get this 
error. Now CPANEL states there is no issue with my CPANEL installation 
and APF I know works without issues (as sooo many other Fedora core 2 
users at my datahost use it without issue). So I am wondering if anyone 
else has seen this issue or may know how to resolve this as it is 
extreeemly frustrating and does not happen to all users (only certain 
internet connections have issue and there does not seem to be any pattern).
So I was hoping someone else may be able to shed some light on this 
situation as to what may be causing it (and hopefully a potential fix)
Kind Regards
A.K.A. Nerdzoll

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