YUM - What is happening during update? (FC2 + Legacy)

Captain Bubudiu bubudiu2005 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Jul 28 20:53:21 UTC 2005

 In case you hadn't noticed FC2 was transferred to the
"legacy hall of doom" (quoting fedorajim in

This means you don't get the 3000+ updates for the
sake of it but fixes for security only. They
(fedoralegacy) are asking for testers/helpers so do
check out the fedora-legacy mailing list.

Fedora Core - The power of Open Source Now! Please search the archives and http://fedoraforum.org as the question is likely to have been asked before. RH9 -> FC3 -> FC6 (Jan 2007)

Catch me at http://members.lycos.co.uk/bubudiu/ Ah the beauty of it all!

Captain Bubudiu

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