FC4 Download / install - Bittorrent vs. Html/FTP download

Tim Holmes tholmes at mcaschool.net
Sun Jun 12 23:15:24 UTC 2005

Hi Folks:

As I look forward to downloading and installing the new FC4 tomorrow, I
guess I need to know what is the best way to go about doing it.  I have
a suspicion that the official mirrors are going to be JAMMED trying to
get the release, so I am wondering if bittorrent might be the way to go,
but I am basically unfamiliar with it, and from my readings about it, I
have some concerns about security.  Specifically, does using bittorrent
open my computer to the possibility of people gaining unauthorized
access to other portions of my computer / other files.

Also, Although it is summer and we don't have a lot of users, one way
for me to get in crosswise with the administration, would be for me to
set up something that would suck down our bandwidth badly to the point
where they cannot get to their e-mail / web browsing etc.  is there an
EASY way to limit the amount of bandwidth that the bittorrent streams
can use?

Thanks for all the help


Tim Holmes
IT Manager / Webmaster
Medina Christian Academy
A Higher Standard...
Jeremiah 33:3
Jeremiah 29:11
Esther 4:14

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