problems with bittorrent

Kenneth Porter shiva at
Mon Jun 13 20:16:04 UTC 2005

--On Monday, June 13, 2005 3:58 PM -0400 Claude Jones 
<claude_jones at> wrote:

>|          [15:56:06] Problem connecting to tracker - <urlopen error (110,
> 'Connection timed out')>
> Does this imply there are too many connections for the initiation of the
> process?

That's a possibility but improbable. More likely is some connectivity issue 
for that machine that prevents it from getting replies from the tracker.

Which torrent link are you using? The .torrent file has the address of the 
tracker inside. The client talks to the tracker using HTTP, so you should 
be able to reach it with a web browser. We just need to determine the URL 
to the tracker.

You can use to dump out the contents of the .torrent in 
human-readable form. You can then plug the tracker URL into your browser. 
(It starts with "http://" and usually ends in "/announce".) If you leave 
off the /announce you can see the tracker's stats.

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