FC4 Torrent Slow? Or, is it just me?

Pedro Fernandes Macedo webmaster at margo.bijoux.nom.br
Tue Jun 14 02:45:03 UTC 2005

Michael A. Peters wrote:

>with jigdo - you would have only needed to download one, and jigdo could
>have created the other from the files on the one.
>//me fan of jigdo - something Debian got right
YES!!! Found someone to annoy with my questions about jigdo :P

Seriously though.. I'm going to make jigdo files for all the i386 and 
x86_64 discs and I'm gonna put them on my page ASAP. The first test I 
made (with the x86_64 DVD) resulted on .jigdo and a .template file that 
were both under 200KB.. I'll remake them just in case tomorrow and test 
a few more times, but I *think* I made it right...
Here's how I did it. Mounted the DVD iso on a folder and used it as the 
source of the rpm files (since the /os/ folder of every mirror is just 
an exploded version of the isos anyway) and then ran:
 jigdo-file make-template --image=FC4-x86_64-DVD.iso 
--jigdo=jigdo/dvd-x86_64.jigdo --template=jigdo/dvd-x86_64.template 
where /mnt/core/dvd/x86_64 is where I mounted the iso image.

I just need to see if it will work when I manually edit the jigdo file 
to add more mirrors (I plan to add all mirrors that carry FC4).

Pedro Macedo

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