FC4 on PowerBook G4: trackpad or USB mouse not recognized

Anton Zolotkov azolotkov at gmail.com
Wed Jun 15 01:12:13 UTC 2005

Did some looking around. It seems as if the trackpads on the new
PowerBooks do not yet have support for Linux, as Apple just recently
switched to a different supplier of trackpads (perhaps with the
introduction of their double-finger scrolling).

As for the usb mouse not working, I get the following from dmesg:

PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0001:10:18.0
PCI: Cannot allocate resource region 0 of device 0001:10:19.0
Apple USB OHCI 0001:10:18.0 disabled by firmware
Apple USB OHCI 0001:10:19.0 disabled by firmware

Seems like the USB ports are disabled, I've yet to find out why that
may be or what to do to enable them.

Anton Zolotkov.

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