Newbie question about hw info (and who maintains it)

Philip Prindeville philipp at
Wed Jun 15 18:02:21 UTC 2005

I installed FC4 (AMD64) recently, and noticed that
some of my hardware wasn't detected properly, so I
started digging around...  I had a question about
where some of the information used for auto-detection
comes from.

In /usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids it's apparent enough, as
the header explains.  However, no sure header info is
given in pcitable (same directory)... and there seems
to be some duplication of information there.  And in
MonitorsDB, I also noticed that the monitor I was using
wasn't listed, nor was an owner given...

Is this stuff maintained by the Fedora group, or is it
rolled in from some other source (like

And how does one go about adding new information?



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