Segfault related to exec-shield when attempting to compile emacs versions 21.3.50 or 22.0.50

FC4 User fc4_usr at
Thu Jun 23 19:26:49 UTC 2005

This has been reported to Bugzilla as bug number 160184. I haven't yet 
received a fix, and am posting it to see if anyone else has had the 
problem, or been able to solve it.


When attempting to compile emacs versions 21.3.50 or 22.0.50 under FC4, 
the process fails with the below messages:

    Dumping under names emacs and emacs-21.3.50
    Warning: Your system has a gap between BSS and the
    heap (19112100 byte).  This usually means that exec-shield
    or something similar is in effect.  The dump may
    fail because of this.  See the section about
    exec-shield in etc/PROBLEMS for more information.
    make[1]: *** [bootstrap-emacs] Segmentation fault
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fc4user/downloads/emacs/emacs/src'
    make: *** [bootstrap-build] Error 2

Here's what I tried and what happened

1. I was attempting to compile either emacs 22.0.50 from CVS download or 
emacs 21.3.50 from source file "emacs-21.3.50-20041117.tar.gz" 
(available at

2. I issued "setarch i386 ./configure". This worked without error messages.

3. I then issued "setarch i386 make bootstrap". This failed with the 
following messages

    Loading menu-bar (source)...
    Loading paths.el (source)...
    Loading startup (source)...
    Loading emacs-lisp/lisp (source)...
    Loading textmodes/page (source)...
    Loading register (source)...
    Loading textmodes/paragraphs (source)...
    Loading emacs-lisp/lisp-mode (source)...
    Loading textmodes/text-mode (source)...
    Loading textmodes/fill (source)...
    ((215107 . 8234) (11326 . 3) (584 . 196) 1542561 223532 (66 . 7) (18
    . 43) (23593 . 599))
    Loading replace (source)...
    Loading abbrev (source)...
    Loading buff-menu (source)...
    Loading emacs-lisp/float-sup (source)...
    ((222553 . 3029) (11533 . 2) (585 . 195) 1575995 223956 (72 . 4) (18
    . 43) (24103 . 215))
    Loading vc-hooks (source)...
    Loading ediff-hook (source)...
    ((225572 . 2596) (11635 . 0) (586 . 194) 1584303 223973 (72 . 4) (18
    . 43) (24359 . 337))
    Finding pointers to doc strings...
    Finding pointers to doc strings...done
    Dumping under names emacs and emacs-21.3.50
    Warning: Your system has a gap between BSS and the
    heap (19112100 byte).  This usually means that exec-shield
    or something similar is in effect.  The dump may
    fail because of this.  See the section about
    exec-shield in etc/PROBLEMS for more information.
    make[1]: *** [bootstrap-emacs] Segmentation fault
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fc4user/downloads/emacs/emacs/src'
    make: *** [bootstrap-build] Error 2

I also tried several other things, like issuing " echo 0 > 
/proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield' " to turn off exec-shield completely 
before compiling. This didn't work also.

Both of these versions of Emacs compiled under FC3, using the above process.

FC4 User


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